949-502-0020 Consultation

Laser ProceduresPlastic Surgery in Newport Beach


A popular facial rejuvenation treatment, Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing is a terrific way to restore soft and youthful skin. Notice the before surgery pictures above. During the quick 30 to 45 minute procedure, Dr. Sadati will apply the Fractional CO2 laser to the treatment area. As the laser works to remove surface imperfections, it will simultaneously stimulate long-term collagen growth to promote the resurgence of new and undamaged skin.

Immediately following the procedure, some temporary inflammation, redness and minimal scabbing is to be expected as a normal part of the healing process. Mild redness should fade within one to two weeks, and patients can typically return to their daily routine after four or five days. While patients will notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of the skin, it takes approximately six months for the full results to appear. See the above laser resurfacing before and after pictures.

359 San Miguel Dr, Suite 110, Newport Beach, CA 92660

At our office, patients are introduced to our practice by meeting with Dr. Kevin Sadati for an initial comprehensive consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Sadati invests time in getting to know each individual patient, as well as his or her goals and expectations for surgery. Patients will meet all of the caring staff and receive top-notch customer service while experiencing Dr. Sadati's unrivaled patient care.